Thanks so much for your emails! I love reading them so much! And thanks for the quotes and your comments! I try to realize how important this work is so that I don't have any regrets! It's really hard, but I feel God's hand in my life constantly! I feel so blessed! Thanks for the questions too ha. I don´t know what to say in my letters, so questions help a lot ha! I don't know what you guys want to know, but here's about my gym time and P-days. Tuesday through Friday, we can go to the gym for fitness, and I always play volleyball ha. We tried to play on the MTC's sand courts twice, but the sand was lava hot ha. Apparently, Tahitians are amazing at volleyball! So, I'm trying to step up my game ha. It's way fun! I love it! On Saturday we have personal fitness, just like it will be out in the field. One of the elders in my district has crazy workouts that we do on Saturdays and sometimes in the mornings during the week. Except for the day I went to San Francisco, I had one p-day before the temple opened. It was really relaxed for most of the day, then we had class from 4:45 on. But, now that the temple is open, we are a lot busier. We wake up, eat breakfast, then go to the temple early in the mornings. I love it! The Spirit is so strong! And I'm so lucky to be able to go once a week! Then, (I think it's only my district that does this every week), but my district helps the workers/volunteers in the laundry room of the temple until lunch. The temple session and working after are probably my favorite parts of my week! I love it! The old ladies are so nice and cute haha! It has made me extremely grateful for being able to go to the temple at the MTC! These workers have to do SOOOO much for us! But, they do it so lovingly! They're great examples! Also, I get to practice my French while I work sometimes because one of the volunteers is from France. Still crazy hard to understand everything she says, but I feel like I understand what she's saying for the most part, so that's good ha. Anyways, then we eat lunch, email, laundry, prepare for a lesson with one of my "investigators" named Hutia, then go to class. The schedule at the MTC is really good at encouraging us to be efficient and make the most out of our time. It's still a choice to work hard, but they've made it easier to want to work hard.
Nothing really crazy has happen this week ha. I gave a sister in my district a blessing because she was insanely sick, so they had to help her out of bed for the blessing. But, an hour after the blessing, she came to class and was perfectly fine the rest of the day. It really was such a miracle that I'm so blessed to have been a small part of! It helped fortify my testimony of the priesthood! Then, I got sick a few days later, but it wasn't the same thing. I cough a lot and have a fever, but it's not too bad.
I just wanted to thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to serve a mission! I'm not even out of the MTC yet and I have grown and changed so much! Also, I wanted to let you know that I love you and I love this gospel! My favorite name for the Plan of Salvation is the Plan of Happiness, because that's why this gospel is so important; it brings true happiness and joy into our lives when we follow it's teachings and follow our Savior. I know that, through Christ, we can be eternally happy and we can have an eternal family! Thanks again! I love you so much!
Je vous aime avec tous mon coeur,
Elder Jessop
Word (Song) of the Week: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Ma Tete, Les Epoules, Les Jeneux, les pieds, les jeneux, les pieds
Ma Tete, les epoules, les jeneux, les pieds.
Les yeux, les oreilles, la bouche, et le nez.
(I don't know how to spell these because I've never actually looked at the words ha. So, they could be way off...but that's how they may or may not be spelled ha)